23 Central St., Montague, C0A 1R0, PE, CA
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If you have never curled before it is never to late to start.
Instructions are provided to you a week before the curling season begins as well as throughout the season. If you are unable to get down in the hack to deliver your shot you can do stick curling. So no excuses allowed anyone can curl and you will be guaranteed a great time. We also will be offering Adult learn to curl in January.
Not only is curling a great winter sport it is also an ideal way to meet new and old friends. Throughout the winter you can curl almost every night and then there are the bonspiels to look forward to on selected week-ends.
The sport of curling has been around for many years, the precise beginnings of curling will always remain a mystery! However, it is not hard to imagine a man, hundreds or even thousands of years ago, who weighed a smooth, heavy rock in his hand, then watched and listened with fascination as he launched it along a glistening bed of ice on a frozen river. This “first curler” must have been intrigued by the way the rock moved and by the grumbling sound it made as it twisted and turned. Other people in the not so distant past have heard this same sound and have applied it as a nickname for the game of curling … it is often referred to as “the roaring game”.
So if you hear someone referring to curling as the “roaring game” you now know that it doesn’t mean that the curlers are roaring… well maybe if someone makes a great shot you’ll hear a bit of roaring from the crowd! It is quite a sight to watch the rocks move down the ice and sweepers bringing it into the house.
Stick Curling allows curlers who have problems with their knees, hip or back who can’t get down in the hack to release the stone.
Drop in and give curling a try FREE – if you like it then join the club and have great winter fun.